Welcoming to the Greatest Union
A totalitarian state , which controls the entire world and all of its inhabitants with oppressive laws, absolute surveillance, and even intimidation.
You are Frank Schwarz, a husband and father who was sacked from his comfortable job in the Ministry after someone set him up. The only way to avoid jail time was to make the deal with an upper-level security agent.
As a spy for the government, your job is to break into houses to search for contraband. Also, you must take out anyone you don’t wish to see.
While doing this you’ll need to watch and plot against your colleagues and superiors in the Ministry for advancing upwards. There are various factions that are secretly fighting to gain control over the Ministry and even the entire country. make them play each other to your advantage.
Are you able to have the same life as you did in the past, or better?
Do you want to fight for truth and alter the status quo.
Are you prepared to make sacrifices to achieve your ambitions? Two positions are available: one in the Ministry and the other in an apartment building.
There are numerous political parties in the race for leadership. Choose your side carefully.
You can complete all quests provided by the Ministry to promote the idea of a totalitarian state. manipulate flags , and distribute whatever propaganda you’re told to.
Install surveillance cameras and monitor the offices or apartments of your clients.
You can keep your insurance in check by completing everyday tasks such as making payments, fixing apartments, and keeping your tenants content.
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